Healthcare Products are Available in All Checkers & Shoprite Supermarkets of Which 144 Also Have Medirite Pharmacies for Your Convenience

Healthcare in Over 700
Supermarkets Nationwide

Medirite Pharmacies in 144
Supermarkets Nationwide

Health Advice

Understanding the National Health Insurance plan

“Healthcare should be fair, accessible and affordable to all”. This is the succinct and basic premise of the National Health Insurance (NHI) plan that may soon be available for all South Africans.

Are you heading for burnout?

You take on any new project with enthusiasm but soon feel yourself losing steam. It’s starting to happen more and more frequently… What's going on? Are you just tired or is it more than that?

Pharmacy Q&A

A day in the life of pharmacist Talene Engelbrecht: Medirite Courier Pharmacy. Get to know your friendly MediRite pharmacist!