24-hour bugs - are these really a thing?

24-hour bugs - are these really a thing?


There you were living your best life, feeling great and full of energy, and a day later you’re drained, exhausted, and sick to your stomach.

Where did that come from? Was it something you ate? A sudden bout of flu?

Yes, 24-hour bugs are a real phenomenon. These are typically quick illnesses that last for approximately 24 hours or slightly longer. They are often caused by viruses such as norovirus or rotavirus, which can lead to symptoms like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps and sometimes fever.


Where do they come from?

These 24-hour bugs, whether they manifest as colds, flu-like symptoms or gastrointestinal issues, often seem to come on suddenly.


Viral exposure

Many 24-hour bugs are caused by viruses, such as rhinoviruses for colds, influenza viruses for flu-like symptoms or norovirus for gastrointestinal issues.

These viruses are super contagious and can spread through direct contact with an infected person, touching contaminated surfaces, or inhaling airborne particles containing the virus. You might have been exposed to the virus without realising it, as some people can carry and spread the virus even if they're not showing symptoms themselves.


Incubation period

After being exposed to a virus, there's typically a period of time known as the incubation period before symptoms appear. During this time, the virus begins to multiply in your body, but you may not feel sick yet. The length of the incubation period varies depending on the virus, but it's usually a few days for most common viruses.


Immune response

Your body's immune system works continuously to identify and fight off pathogens like viruses. Sometimes, the immune response kicks into high gear once the virus starts replicating rapidly in your body, leading to the sudden onset of symptoms. This rapid response can cause symptoms to appear seemingly out of nowhere, even if you were feeling fine just the day before.

These viruses are super contagious and can spread through direct contact with an infected person, touching contaminated surfaces, or inhaling airborne particles containing the virus. You might have been exposed to the virus without realising it, as some people can carry and spread the virus even if they're not showing symptoms themselves.

You could have been around someone who was sick without even knowing it. Viruses spread easily from person to person, so if you come into contact with someone who's carrying a bug, you might pick it up too.

So, even though 24-hour bugs can come out of nowhere, they're usually a mix of factors like exposure to a virus, how your body reacts to it, and your own health. Washing your hands often and avoiding close contact with sick people can help lower your chances of getting these bugs.


24-hour cold bugs:

Watch for symptoms like a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, coughing, mild headache and sometimes low-grade fever or body aches. Rest, stay hydrated, and grab some over-the-counter medications to soothe your symptoms.


24-hour flu bugs:

Symptoms come on in the form of a sudden onset of high fever, chills, body aches, fatigue, headache, sore throat, and sometimes, nausea and vomiting. Rest as much as possible and get the right medication to see you through.


24-hour tummy bugs:

Symptoms typically include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, stomach cramps, abdominal pain, low-grade fever, and sometimes headache or body aches. Focus on staying hydrated with clear fluids, and give your stomach some relief by avoiding solid foods initially. You can slowly start to reintroduce bland food. Get over-the-counter medication to manage symptoms such as nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea. In severe cases, you may need a visit to the doctor for more care.


This article is for informational purposes only. Always check with your doctor or medical practitioner about any health concerns, before embarking on any fitness or nutrition programme, or using any medication.