5 things to know about climate change
You may have heard the term "climate change" a lot recently, and you may have chalked it up to simple changes in daily weather forecasts. It's a little more complicated than that, as climate change has a lot of implications for you and your overall wellbeing.
Climate change manifests itself in a variety of ways and affects all living things.
According to the World Health Organization, climate change is expected to cause approximately 250 000 additional deaths each year, between 2030 and 2050.
The scary news: as global temperatures rise, so too does the number of deaths and illnesses caused by heat stress, heatstroke and cardiovascular and kidney disease.
What exactly is climate change?
The average weather of a location over a long period, usually 30 years, is referred to as the climate. When there’s a shift in these weather or climate patterns, that’s known as climate change.
A long-term shift in global or regional climate patterns is then known as climate change. Over several decades or more, the climate becomes warmer, wetter or drier.
What makes it so bad? You may think that rising temperatures mean more sunny beach trips and outdoor fun, but that’s not the case. Instead, the weather will become more extreme and unpredictable as the climate changes.
Keep in mind that these changes could be natural, but for many years, human activities have been the primary driver of climate change. This is through the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, which leaves the world and the environment under severe threat.
What you need to know:
- Human activity creates greenhouse gas emissions, which are the main causes of today's rapidly changing climate. Greenhouse gasses keep the planet warm enough for us to live on. Human-generated emissions come from burning fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas for electricity, heat and transportation.
- Deforestation is another cause of climate change. It happens when there’s permanent removal of trees to make room for houses or buildings. When forests are cleared or burned, carbon is released. Removing trees also reduces an important carbon "sink" that absorbs carbon dioxide from the air and releases it into the atmosphere. Although our planet's forests and oceans absorb greenhouse gasses from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and other processes, they can’t keep up with the rising emissions.
- There’s a link between air pollution and climate change, with one triggering the other. When the earth's temperature rises, the air becomes more polluted, which results in more allergenic pollutants being released.
- According to the World Bank, climate change is pushing more people into poverty. By 2030, up to 132 million people may be in extreme poverty, as more extreme storms displace people, taking them away from their homes and livelihoods. It is also saidthat because of climate change, millions of people will be affected by health and food prices as a result of disasters that disrupt agricultural production.
- Droughts, hurricanes, floods and wildfires will become more common, which will impact people's lives while worsening underlying medical conditions, increasing stress, and adversely affecting mental health.
Play your part and save the planet!
- Save water, as this reduces carbon pollution. Take shorter showers and turn off the tap while brushing your teeth. It takes a lot of energy to pump and heat water.
- Switch to energy-saving lightbulbs.
- Take a walk instead of using the car.
- Turn off electrical items when you’re not using them.
- Recycle and reduce your food waste.