Being alone is (sometimes) healthy

Being alone is (sometimes) healthy – here's why


The world is made up of introverts, extroverts, and those quirky in-betweeners who enjoy dipping their toes in both lanes. Still, even if you are an incorrigible extrovert who loves socialising and being constantly on-the-go, it’s a good idea to carve out some alone time now and then.

Taking time out to be alone is healthy for your mind, body and soul. Let’s get into these benefits.



Solitude provides an opportunity for self-reflection and introspection. It’s time and space to connect with your thoughts, feelings and values. What has been bothering you recently? Do you have any worries that don’t seem to go away? This alone time is your opportunity to get in touch with those feelings – and find productive ways of dealing with them.


Personal growth

When you’re alone, there’s no external noise (literally and figuratively) that might cloud your judgement. It’s an excellent time for identifying and setting personal goals without external pressures or expectations. This process allows for thoughtful consideration of your aspirations, whether they’re related to your career, relationships, health, or personal interests. Setting clear goals provides direction and motivation for personal development.


Rest and relaxation

This might sound a bit obvious, but it’s not without merit. Alone time is relaxing and rejuvenating. Soothe your mental health during this time. Take a restorative nap, listen to some calming music, sit in silence, or spend some time reading or journaling. We are all so consistently busy with work, life and external stimulation that it takes a toll on our peace of mind. Use this alone time to recover from social interactions, family obligations and work stress.


Enhanced productivity

Want to be more productive? Spend more time alone. Solitude can help improve your focus and productivity – so you’re not just busy, but actually doing work that brings good results. Distractions are minimised, providing an environment that’s better suited to achieving your goals.


Improved creativity

Some people find that they are more creative when alone. Without external pressures or influences, you may feel freer to explore your thoughts and ideas, leading to incredible bursts of creativity and ingenuity.


Emotional regulation

Think of everything you’re exposed to each day: work deadlines, frustrating traffic jams, financial worries, challenges with relationships, family dynamics – we’re constantly bombarded by noise, frustrations and triggers. Time alone provides an opportunity to soothe those frayed nerves. It allows us to process our emotions, manage stress, and develop better coping mechanisms.


Emotional independence

Spending time alone contributes to our independence and self-reliance. It encourages us to make decisions for ourselves and develop a strong sense of autonomy. Of course, we all rely on friends and family to some extent, but it’s never a bad thing to learn how to be more emotionally resilient and independent.


Healthier relationships

The saying goes that we have to be happy with ourselves before we can be happy with another person. Part of this process involves spending time alone – alone time can contribute to healthier relationships. When people are comfortable with themselves, they are more likely to thrive in relationships, coming from a place of strength rather than dependence.


Good to know

It's important to note that while solitude can be beneficial, balance is key. Isolating yourself for long stretches of time can lead to feelings of loneliness and negatively impact your mental health. Find the right balance between social interactions and alone time to feel your best.


This article is for informational purposes only. Always check with your doctor or medical practitioner about any health concerns, before embarking on any fitness or nutrition programme, or using any medication.