Food pairing for better health
The power of pairing. Have you ever considered how almost everything works better in twos? What’s a cup of tea without some toast? One sock without the other? A movie without some popcorn…
Foods do well in pairs too! So well, in fact, that food pairing can significantly level up your health. Let’s learn how.
What is food pairing?
Think mixing and matching – with super benefits! The idea is to carefully pair different foods in a meal to elevate their nutritional benefits and boost your overall wellbeing. It’s all about combining ingredients in ways that hike up their nutritional benefits and deliver a dollop of taste and flavour.
Here are a few ways that food pairing can add more oomph to your health.
Improves nutrient absorption:
- Certain nutrients simply pack more of a punch when combined. For example, pairing Vitamin C-rich foods (like oranges or bell peppers) with iron-rich foods (like spinach or lentils) can help your body absorb iron more effectively. This added effect can sharpen your energy levels and your overall vitality.
Supports digestive health:
- A happy gut goes a long way in making sure you feel your best each day. Combining foods in a way that supports digestive health can assist your body in processing nutrients more efficiently. For example, probiotic foods (like yoghurt) and prebiotic foods (like garlic or onions) are a practical twosome to help with digestion and boost your immune system. When it comes to bloating and discomfort, try a pair like ginger and peppermint - which many pregnant women use to great effect to reduce nausea.
- How often do we really take the time to appreciate the taste of food? Food pairings that complement each other can make your mealtimes even more enjoyable and satisfying. And when you’re satiated from a good meal, you’re likely to stick to healthier eating habits. Combining herbs and spices with vegetables, for example, can make dishes more flavourful without relying on extra salt or sugar.
Nutritional balance:
- Every doctor will talk about the importance of a “balanced diet”. This is where food pairing can really shine and enhance that balanced effect. A balanced meal is one that has a mix of macronutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals). For example, combining proteins (like chicken or tofu) with complex carbohydrates (like brown rice or quinoa) is a healthy balanced option that keeps you satiated for longer.
- You can also combine foods to make up for vitamin imbalances and deficiencies. For example, pairing vegetables with wholegrains offers a good intake of fibre, vitamins and minerals.
Tips for food pairing
- For well-balanced meals that keep you full and satisfied for longer, try combinations like proteins (chicken, beans or tofu) with complex carbohydrates (quinoa or sweet potatoes). These pairings are great for maintaining steady energy levels.
- Don’t forget about good fats! Sources of healthy fats are avocados, nuts or olive oil which go well with vegetables to help your body absorb essential vitamins and minerals more effectively.
- Eating a rainbow of fruits and vegetables ensures a wide range of nutrients and antioxidants, which can support your immune system and overall health.
- Spice up your meals with turmeric, cinnamon or ginger, which power up the taste of your meals and offer a welcome kick of additional health benefits like anti-inflammatory properties.
- Pay attention to how different food combinations make you feel. Some people may have sensitivities or digestive issues with certain pairings.
- Even healthy combinations can add up if your portions are off-balance. Aim for balanced, manageable portions - everything in moderation.