Great foods for amazing skin

Great foods for amazing skin

Superfoods aren’t new to us, we’ve long been hearing about the amazing benefits of chia this, kale that. Even better news is that some of these foods can up your skin’s health factor. 

Let’s delve into the delicious details. 


From the inside out 

What you eat can make an enormous difference to how your skin looks and feels, as well as have an impact on common skin conditions and your risk of skin cancer. In other words, there’s little value in using expensive day and night creams if your skin is being fed unhealthy foods in real time. 

So, the key is to level up your diet to include tasty helpers that contain antioxidants, nutrients and vitamins (especially Vitamin C and Vitamin E). These are helpful in reducing skin inflammation, minimising wrinkles and improving skin elasticity. 


Eat well, shine on!

How many portions of fish do you eat a week? Fish is abundant with essential Omega-3 fatty acids. Don’t be put off by “fatty” – that’s the good stuff! Omegas nourish the skin and tone down inflammation. Aim to have at least two portions of fish a week. You can fill up on sardines, salmon, anchovies and mackerel. 

If you’re always cooking with reduced fat oils and sprays, you’re doing your skin a disservice. Every now and then, it’s a good idea to give your skin a treat with extra virgin olive oil. Did you know there’s an International Olive Council? They maintain that olive oil contains numerous vitamins, including Vitamin A, D, K and Vitamin E (which is often found in skin products). Add a dollop of olive goodness to your next meal prep.

Vitamin C is excellent to boost skin health. Fresh berries like strawberries and blueberries contain lots of Vitamin C, but these can be pricey so, when possible, get the frozen packages. Vitamin C helps build collagen protein which maintains your skin’s elasticity. Strawberries, blueberries and cranberries are all good options.

Dark leafy greens are high in antioxidants that help to fight free radicals that damage cells and speed up skin ageing. Beta-carotene is one of these antioxidants that produce Vitamin A in the body which is essential in repairing and maintaining healthy skin. Go for kale, rocket, spinach, watercress and dark green cabbages.

are one of the most versatile and skin-friendly foods. These fruits (technically, yes, they are fruit) contain lycopene, an antioxidant that keeps skin smooth. Toss a few slices into a sandwich, add to salads or mix them into sauces. 



  • Always wear sunblock when you’re outdoors! Even if it’s just for a few minutes or it’s cloudy out, sunscreen is essential. 
  • Put down the chips and snack on sunflower seeds. These little helpers contain good doses of Vitamin E. 
  • The quickest way to preserve your healthy skin? Stop smoking! While you’re at it, go easy on the wine and beers. Alcohol contains a lot of sugar which is a big skin no-no.


This article is for informational purposes only. Always check with your doctor or medical practitioner about any health concerns, before embarking on any fitness or nutrition programme, and usage of any medication.