Health tips for healthy ageing


A healthy ageing experience is in your hands, literally. Experts agree that men and women can improve their chances of living healthier, longer lives by taking better care of themselves.

With so much going on in the world that we have little control over, like viruses and environmental factors, you can at least take control of your choices and live a long, healthy and happy life by making the necessary changes now. 

Congratulations if you've already started your journey to better health!

Get a notebook or your phone out, it’s time to tick some health boxes. Here’s how you can level up your quality of life as you age.


When you're sick, call or visit your doctor

You won't be able to avoid some illnesses by staying at home. Doctor check-ups are also important for preventive services. This can help with early discovery for more effective treatment. Don't waste time. Before starting any new medications, always consult your doctor or pharmacist. Take all medications exactly as prescribed and notify your doctor if the medication appears to be causing any problems or side-effects.


Go for your screenings

Detecting early signs of health problems can help diagnose and treat them early. Check-ups will depend on your age, gender, family history, and whether you smoke or exercise. Speak to your doctor about:

  • Bone health evaluation
  • Blood pressure check
  • Cholesterol level
  • Diabetes
  • Prostate and colorectal cancer screening
  • Hearing, vision and dental screening
  • Mental health check
  • Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening: get this checked once between the ages of 65 and 75 if you’ve ever smoked
  • Sexually transmitted disease screening
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED)
  • Skin cancer screening


Get your shots

  • Get a flu shot every year before the flu season starts.
  • The shingles herpes zoster vaccine once when 60 or older.
  • A combination of tetanus/diphtheria booster shots every 10 years.
  • Pneumonia vaccination once after age 65, or adults 19-64 with certain risk factors like smoking, chronic lung or heart disease, leukaemia, lymphoma or alcoholism.


Don’t smoke; quit if you do

Tell your doctor if you smoke; and make every effort to stop. Smoking causes premature ageing and increases the risk of developing diseases.


Eat and drink in moderation

Kick processed foods, refined sugars and unhealthy fats to the curb. To avoid the health risks associated with alcohol, try to limit your daily and weekly drinks. A bottle of wine a night is not a good idea. As much as possible, eat more whole foods like fruits and vegetables and keep your meat intake moderate. Most importantly, get your fill of water to help prevent heart disease, cancer, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.


Exercise your brain and body

Rather than repeating the same exercises over and over, challenge your brain by trying new things and playing against the clock. Switch up your workouts to get the most from gym sessions. Try a dance class, for example. Exercise strengthens your bones, improves brain function, elevates your mood and helps you sleep better. By the way, sleeping patterns become less satisfying and restorative as you get older. Aim for seven hours or more each night.


Good to know

Life is meant to be enjoyed, so make time for those you care about, and do things you love. This can help you maintain your mental, physical and emotional health. It can also improve your mood and give your brain a boost. So, get involved in social activities like volunteering. or join a community or other groups of your interest.


This article is for informational purposes only. Always check with your doctor or medical practitioner about any health concerns, before embarking on any fitness or nutrition programme, and usage of any medication.