No one wants to think about cancer, much less talk about it. Yet, knowing as much about the disease as possible is vital so you can do your best to lower your risk for cancer. Many myths around cancer still persist, which further adds to the scare factor. Let’s learn more about fact versus fiction when it comes to cancer
Did you know that testicular cancer has one of the highest rates of recovery? Testicular cancer is actually one of the most treatable and curable forms of cancer, especially if caught early. In fact, many cancers are treatable; the key is early detection. This means monitoring your health for concerning signs and symptoms and getting health checks done regularly. As the American Cancer Society says, “Women now being diagnosed with breast cancer may have a better outlook than these numbers show. Treatments improve over time, and these numbers are based on women who were diagnosed and treated at least five years earlier.”
Cancer does have genetic links, that’s true enough. It still doesn’t mean that because your grandmother had cancer, you would be too. From the National Cancer Institute, “Cancer itself can’t be passed down from parents to children. And genetic changes in tumour cells can’t be passed down. But a genetic change that increases the risk of cancer can be passed down (inherited) if it is present in a parent's egg or sperm cells. For example, if a parent passes a mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene to their child, the child will have a much higher risk of developing breast and several other cancers. That’s why cancer sometimes appears to run in families. Up to 10% of all cancers may be caused by inherited genetic changes.” The keyword here: sometimes. What also matters a great deal is your lifestyle – the foods we eat, smoking, drinking, lack of exercise, mismanaging chronic conditions – there are all substantial factors that may play a bigger role in cancer risk.
Every so often a viral trend pops up claiming to be able to fix any health issue with a special food, drink, potion, or alternative therapy. Yes, there are some “superfoods” that have abundant vitamins and minerals which are fantastic health boosters. There are even some alternative therapies that can bring you relief and help manage pain symptoms. But, when it comes to a specific food or remedy curing cancer, please don’t believe the hype. You could do more harm to your health. If you have been diagnosed with cancer, please rather focus on advice and treatment from a medical professional.
You can rest easy as you warm up your plate of food while scrolling on your phone. Cancer Research UK sheds light on this myth. “Using mobile phones does not increase your risk of cancer. Mobiles use a type of electromagnetic radiation called radiofrequency radiation (radio waves). It's a weak form of radiation, the same type that radios, televisions and microwave ovens produce. Radio waves do not have enough energy to damage DNA. So there’s no good explanation for how radio waves could cause cancer.”
Cancer doesn’t discriminate. Anyone, young and older, could be vulnerable to cancer. Cancer is a serious disease which is why it’s so important to be aware of its symptoms and risk factors. Misinformation about cancer can prevent people from getting essential treatment and care, and lead to unnecessary anxiety and stress. By understanding the facts, we can support each other in making informed decisions about prevention, early detection, and treatment. If you’re unsure about any information related to cancer, please always speak to a doctor.
This article is for informational purposes only. Always check with your doctor or medical practitioner about any health concerns, before embarking on any fitness or nutrition programme, or using any medication.