Signs of high cholesterol and tips to stay healthy

Signs of high cholesterol and tips to stay healthy 


Do you constantly feel tired, maybe have a nagging cough or feeling of being sick more recently, some dizziness now and then? 

These could be the understated warning signs from your body that high cholesterol is looming and you need to act – now. 


What is high cholesterol?

It’s a waxy substance that occurs in the blood. Everyone needs cholesterol as the body uses cholesterol to build healthy cells – the trick is that the body needs a certain level of cholesterol for healthy functioning. Too much cholesterol and the risk of heart disease is heightened. 

If your levels are too high, fatty deposits start to form in your blood vessels and as these continue to grow, it becomes a problem for enough blood to flow through to the arteries. There’s also the risk of a blood clot forming – a precursor to a stroke or heart attack. 


What causes high cholesterol? 

Genetics play some role and you can “inherit” high cholesterol but by large, an unhealthy lifestyle is the biggest risk factor. 

The good news is that this means that high cholesterol can be treated and even hopefully, prevented. 

Other risk factors include: smoking, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, certain medications, obesity, lack of exercise and excessive alcohol. 


Subtle symptoms to watch for:

A challenging aspect of high cholesterol is that there are few visible symptoms. This is why a healthy lifestyle and regular check-ups are always recommended for everyone. Try to watch for these subtler signs. 


  • Constant chest pains that are mistaken for heartburn could be your body’s indicator of high cholesterol. If you’re constantly taking heartburn remedies and seeing no signs of improvement, see your doctor sooner rather than later. 
  • Fatigue, especially if it feels like it’s more and more tiredness even if your routine hasn’t changed, is a sign to watch for. If you can’t sleep properly and simple tasks seem to drain your energy, get to a doctor for a check-up. You could have low iron levels or these are warning signs of high cholesterol. 
  • Small yellow blots of cholesterol near the inner corner of your eye. This is known as xanthelasmas.
  •  A condition called tendon xanthomata. These are swellings from cholesterol on the knuckles of your hands, knees or the Achilles tendon at the back of your ankle.
  •  If you suffer from any chronic disease and you’re on medication, it’s wise to have regular cholesterol checks. 


Regular cholesterol checks:

  • Men: Every five years until age 45. From age 45 to 65, get checked every one to two years. After age 65, get checked every year.
  • Women: Every five years until age 55. From age 55 to 65, get checked every one to two years. After age 65, get checked every year.


Take steps now to prevent future high cholesterol. Stay active, stop smoking and monitor your alcohol intake. Up your intake of green vegetables and get your fill of water. If you are diagnosed with high cholesterol, you will need to take medication to manage the condition. 


This article is for informational purposes only. Always check with your doctor or medical practitioner about any health concerns, before embarking on any fitness or nutrition programme, and usage of any medication.