Six Health Resolutions To Keep

Six health resolutions to keep!


It doesn’t have to be a New Year’s resolution – think of these as little health investments that will benefit your health now and in the long term. Evergreen health resolutions never go out of style. No treatment and cure will ever be cheaper and more helpful than prevention. Preventing possible sickness can start immediately. Small steps now can mean big benefits later. 


So, here are six anytime health resolutions to start and stick with!


One a day – green veggies, that is. It’s challenging to get your full dose of vegetables every single day, so start a health resolution to eat one portion with one meal a day (and we don’t just mean roast potatoes!). Spinach, kale, green beans, broccoli, celery and cabbage are all packed with some of the most potent vitamins and minerals we need to keep our immune system strong and healthy. Aim for one healthy helping a day on your plate or in a green smoothie. 


It's so easy to plant ourselves in our seats and work straight through for hours. Or sit on the couch, and the next thing you know, two hours have flown by and you haven’t moved a muscle. Sitting down for hours on end is unhealthy, and the health risks (obesity, heart problems) worsen over time. Set a reminder or write a note to yourself and pop it on your desk: “Get up and move!”. Aim for some steps/movement/activity at least every hour. 


It’s the end of a long day and you’re settling in to binge-watch your fave series with snacks. A piece of fruit or some popcorn (keyword “some”) is fine but night-time snacking with sweets, chips and biscuits can spike blood sugar and cause indigestion, triggering erratic sleeping patterns while fattening up your waistline. Snack in moderation and try not to eat later than 8pm.


Getting enough sleep is as important to your lifestyle as not drinking and driving – yes, that serious! Constantly impaired sleep can quickly lead to memory loss, trouble concentrating at work, poor decision-making and even weight gain. If you’re struggling to sleep, see your doctor soonest.



Skip the salt. Did you know that we’re only supposed to be consuming one teaspoon of salt a day to maintain normal body processes? But most of us easily take in five times that amount, if not more, upping our risk for hypertension, stroke and heart disease.  


How often do you clean or sanitise kitchen cloths and sponges? Apparently, the humble kitchen sponge can hold millions of bacteria at any time, which is alarming to think about! Try to frequently sanitise sponges and dishcloths in hot water and vinegar, and try to replace sponges every two to three weeks. One handy trick is to microwave the sponge for a minute or two to kill harmful bacteria. 


This article is for informational purposes only. Always check with your doctor or medical practitioner about any health concerns, before embarking on any fitness or nutrition programme, and usage of any medication.