Are you getting the sniffles and sneezing more than usual?
A common cold, also known as a head cold, is a mild illness that can leave you feeling tired and run down. A cough and sore throat are the most common symptoms accompanying a head cold, which can last for several days.
Those with a weakened immune system are more likely to develop a serious illness stemming from a head cold. This can quickly lead to bronchitis, a sinus infection or pneumonia.
Even a normal cold can disrupt your daily functioning and leave you feeling miserable. The average person catches a cold up to four times a year, and children can suffer from up to 10 colds a year.
What exactly is a head cold?
All types of colds are respiratory infections caused by viruses known as “rhinoviruses”. Rhinoviruses have also been linked to sinus and ear infections, as well as asthma attacks. The different terms usually refer to where your symptoms are most prevalent, like a “head cold” or “chest cold”.
The symptoms of a head cold include a stuffy, runny nose and watery eyes. A chest cold causes chest congestion and a cough. Viral bronchitis is also known as a chest cold.
How is it treated?
A head cold is highly contagious and can be spread through coughing or sneezing. Although there’s no cure for a head cold, some home remedies can give you relief from the symptoms.
Good to know: antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections.
Here are some home remedies for aches, pains, and sniffles:
Should I see a doctor?
A cold is typically mild and should resolve itself within 10 days. More severe symptoms or a longer duration shouldn’t be ignored though, so definitely see your doctor if it worsens.
Always check with your doctor if you have more serious symptoms like:
Avoid contact with people who are infected with the virus. Keep a safe distance from anyone who has a head cold to reduce your chances of contracting the virus.
This article is for informational purposes only. Always check with your doctor or medical practitioner about any health concerns, before embarking on any fitness or nutrition programme, and usage of any medication.