What is body positivity all about?

What is body positivity all about?


Hands up if you’re tired of repetitive #fitspo that’s all about salad this and treadmill that! Okay, now hands down because this is not a workout – promise.

Have you heard about inclusive fitness and body positivity? This cool concept is all about celebrating the glorious diversity of bodies, in all shapes and sizes. So put on your sweatpants, grab a donut (or a carrot stick if that's your thing), and let's dive into a world where every type of body is a beach body and exercise is more about joy than punishment.


Sounds great, tell me more…

Body positivity is a social movement that advocates for accepting and respecting all body types and challenging old-fashioned, traditional beauty standards. The goal is to promote self-confidence and acceptance of every body shape and size.

The concept of body positivity rejects harmful notions of an "ideal" body. In reality, there is no universally perfect body, and our focus should be on promoting health over aesthetics.

One aspect closely related to body positivity is inclusive fitness. Inclusive fitness promotes the sentiment that people of all abilities and backgrounds should have equal access to and opportunities for physical activity, exercise, and fitness-related spaces. It challenges the notion that fitness is only for a specific body type or athletic ability.


Healthy, not skinny

Inclusive fitness encourages a shift from a focus on weight loss and aesthetics to overall health and wellbeing, and actually taking the time to revel in physical movement. Think about it: when you slog out those 45 minutes on a treadmill, are you enjoying it or just grinning and bearing it?

The concept of inclusive fitness relies heavily on “inclusivity”. That is, fitness is not specifically for people who want to lose weight or gym bunnies. Everyone can (and should) participate.

Inclusive fitness can involve various approaches, such as creating accessible facilities and equipment, offering modified exercise programmes, providing education and resources on inclusive practices, and fostering a supportive and non-judgmental environment.

Both body positivity and inclusive fitness aim to create a more accepting and inclusive society where everyone, regardless of their body type or abilities, is respected and included. They both challenge societal expectations and norms related to fitness and body image. The goal is to enhance people's health, reduce disease risk factors and encourage everyone to embrace and love their bodies.


Good to know

Some people argue that the body positivity movement doesn't give enough attention to physical health. While it's important to promote self-acceptance, there are concerns that it might unintentionally discourage people from pursuing healthier lifestyles or seeking medical help when needed. It's important to find a balance between embracing our bodies and aiming to be healthy for the long term.

It's also worth noting that in some cases, the body positivity movement may inadvertently set unrealistic expectations. For example, promoting the idea that all bodies are beautiful and perfect as they are can unintentionally dismiss the personal desires of people who may genuinely want to make changes to their bodies for their own reasons.

It's important to respect individual choices and preferences while promoting acceptance.


This article is for informational purposes only. Always check with your doctor or medical practitioner about any health concerns, before embarking on any fitness or nutrition programme, or using any medication.